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Showstoppers Episode Three: Marco (Better Call Saul)

Today's episode is a real treat because I will always have a soft spot in my heart for the Breaking Bad universe. It's also a special treat because I'd never seen Better Call Saul. Somehow, I never made time, but I definitely will after seeing this episode.

If you haven't seen the show: Jimmy is fresh off saying goodbye to his friend Marco, who died of a heart attack while the pair of them were running one last con. Jimmy inherits Marco's ring and wears it, even though it's too big for him.

In the upcoming shot that inspired the scene, Jimmy arranges to meet with Davis and Main, partners of a law firm interested in hiring him. Jimmy agrees to meet D&M at the courthouse, and I've ended the scene here purposely.

Here's what I wrote for the scene:

Unfortunately, I couldn't track down the script for the season one finale, but I'll talk instead about what I love about this shot and the storytelling for this show and the Breaking Bad universe.

First, I love that there is so much nuance in this shot. It highlights Jimmy's tie to his past while he tries to move forward into the future. The ring moving on his pinky shows Jimmy's hesitancy: Maybe he's not as confident and ready to move forward as he thought because if he takes this meeting, that's when everything truly changes.

At the time of this writing, I have yet to see the entire series, but I'm excited about watching it from the beginning. Maybe I'll do a rewrite of this scene when I've seen the whole show.

New post to come soon! If you like this series and have shot suggestions, feel free to contact me through my site or find me on Instagram -- Until next time!

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