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Showstoppers Episode Eight: Suzy & Sam (Moonrise Kingdom 2012)

I love watching Wes Anderson movies because the cinematography is so stunning. Today's episode is based on this shot right here:

This is a great shot because it's so serene and scenic, yet simple. Suzy and Sam are reuniting after being pen pals and run away together. With all of her worldly possessions (including her cat) and Sam with all of his wilderness gear, the two take each other in. When the pair finally meet in the middle, it's like they never missed a beat from all of their correspondence. Sam assures Suzy that she will be well cared for, and she is.

I decided this time around that I would make my writing more sparse. Suffice it to say that was the wrong call because Wes Anderson is just as poetic in the script as he is on screen. So here's what I wrote:

Versus what Anderson wrote:

It's clear to see which one would fair better: Anderson's. But I'm constantly learning that it is okay to be as descriptive as I want to be.

What are some of your favorite Wes Anderson films? Let me know in the comments!

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